May 9th,2022
Hidden Lake is open, and the lake trout fishing is underway and, in a week, or so the Kenai River will be getting some king salmon action

Feb 26th, 2022
Anxiously awaiting spring, it is sunny and beautiful here in Alaska today. The first chance of fishing the Kenai River won't be until early May sometime and we will be starting the chinook run this year with retention of king salmon under 34" only and the second run starting July 1st will start out hook & release on the river. If you are planning a trip to Alaska keep that in mind but we still encourage you to spend a day or two just getting out and enjoying an awesome time on the world-famous Kenai River, it is truly a thing of pristine beauty and can be a great way to spend a day of vacation and a chance to stretch a line!
Give us a call to book a trip during your visit. (907)252-1956
September 21,22, 2021
It has been cold and windy on the Kenai River lately but it didn't stop us from getting a great group of guys some awesome huge silver salmon landing 16 in two days of fishing !
September 11th ,2021
A few good days with some repeat clientele ended up with catching some nice silver salmon and a fight with a seal on the Kenai River this year, thanks for a great time guys !
I threw in an extra pic of some swans on a few day camping/moose hunting trip.
August 28th,2021
A great day of silver salmon fishing today on the Kenai River with an old classmate and her crew, fishing was super hot and we limited out in no time at all !

August 19th , 2021
After another dismal king salmon season our silver salmon run on the Kenai just opened to bait on Tuesday and the fishing has been off the charts good ! A great weather day and I managed to captured a limit photo before coming in.

July 17th ,2021
A beautiful sunrise and a great day of trolling some salmon on the Kenai River we hooked and released a few smaller chinook and managed to bring home 4 sockeyes for the grill !
July 2nd,2021
Another beautiful day and a successful outing on the Kenai River brought home some nice king salmon fillets for my great friend Dilley ! The Kenai is still a tough go with only 100 or so king salmon a day coming in but if you are fortunate enough to hook one up it is all very worth it, the daily numbers should hopefully increase some next week.
July 1st ,2021
First day of catch and keep any size king salmon on the Kenai River today was tough fishing, I only saw 3 king salmon caught and I was bite less so went to trolling some small plugs on my trout rods for some action and managed to hook up this young lady from Iowa on a nice 25 lb king as well as some rainbow trout.
June 23rd, 2021
Unfortunately the Kenai River is pretty much a hook & release chinook fishery due to the state being unable to manage a decent run even after years of restrictions. Thankfully I still have valued clients that enjoy a day of just being on the water catching what ever we can .
Thanks for a great day Alex ,Jennifer and Gary !
June 12th, 2021
Fishing has picked up a bit on the Kenai River the water has cleaned up and it is producing quite a few more bites. Most of the chinook salmon we have been catching are over 34" and have been released back in to the river but there weather is beautiful and always great to be on the water !
May 25th ,
The Kenai River is still slow with low numbers of chinook and lately the water has been rising causing dirty water it is cleaning up a bit today and hopefully I will get out there soon. Meanwhile the salt water has been where the action is , I had a chance to take a couple buddies of mine out on Cook Inlet during a break in the weather and we caught a really nice limit of halibut and one small chinook as well as loosing another.
April 26th , 2021
After a bust of a 2020 season and we all know why : ( the long white winters of Alaska are starting to melt and the Kenai River is flowing below the house. Things are looking up and the phone is ringing for some charter bookings thank god ! I finally got out with a friend to break in some motors and wet a line for an hour or so down in Homer where I managed to catch us some dinner.

It Has been sunny and beautiful here for a week and more to come. The river is rising fast and we should be able to get out and fish on it in another couple of weeks so give me shout if your going to be in the neighborhood and maybe we can tighten a line for you !


Dan was great, he made changes in his schedule to accommodate 2 more people at the last minute. We have went fishing with Dan before and he has always got our limit for us. He is always professional, courteous guy who is first class in my opinion . Thanks again Dan for another great Alaskan adventure.
Gary Murphy
Manhattan, KS